Project165 achieved almost 3 years early!
It has now been confirmed that when competing at the Bislett Indoor International Endurance Festival 48 Hour race in Oslo last month I set 21 new age-group records, including the World M60 Record for completing 315.565km in 48 hours.
This means that I have now exceeded the total of 165 records targeted in my Project165 almost 3 years ahead of schedule. When I planned this project obviously I had absolutely no idea how I would get on and a series of ‘bad’ races would have meant that I would certainly have need all of those 5 years that I planned.
Clearly successfully completing the 2014 3100 Mile race in New York – the World’s Longest Certified Footrace – was a mammoth step towards the Project as 54 records were earned there.
There is no end to this and I will announce a new Project in the New Year!