Helsinki – Arrival
William and his crewman Alan have arrived safe and sound in Helsinki. They got in at around 10:30pm (local time) last night (Thursday 28th Jan.) and were faced with a chilly start, the local temperature being a none-to-warm -17c.
Happily today has been a lot more snug and cosy with daytime temperatures of a mere -12c.
While some people consider ultra-distance running to be a somewhat masochistic sport, even the most die-hard competitors tend to draw the line at running through snow in sub-zero temperatures so thankfully William and the other runners will not be having to cope with extremes of weather during the 24hr race as this takes place indoors in the Esport Arena – “Esport” is a bit of a pun in the native Finnish on “Espoo” (the city in which the arena is built).
More coming up shortly & throughout the race (which starts at 10am UK time / 12 noon local time in Finland).
All the best,
Shaun – William’s Training Advisor