Commonwealth Championships 24hr – Update

Tim Rainey earlier today
I just had a quick chat on the ‘phone with a hard working Tim Rainey, who tells me that he may have to go in search of more beer* for William, who’s enjoying glugging it down at present (well, it is a Friday night).
Tim tells me that all is going well in Llundudno, with the runners preparing themselves for a long night to come.
At around the 11 hour mark, William was running conservatively and pretty much to our pre-race plan, having so far had virtually no time off-track.
With a bit of luck, William should be nicely warmed up by now and he will be aiming to continue running at roughly even pace throughout the 24hrs of the race, possibly picking up the pace a bit in the later stages.

Tim - with a long night of crewing ahead...
William always regards the 24hr race as his weakest event, perhaps mainly due to the stomach / GI problems that have dogged him in single-day races throughout his ultra-running career. However, we’ve recently developed and introduced a new nutrition strategy mainly for 24hr races, and we have high hopes that this will prove very effective for William during this race (it will be a novel experience for him if he can complete a 24hr event without vomiting).
More news as an when I get it,
All the best
*Alcohol free – just in case you were wondering!