Balaton 6-Day Race 2013 – @8hrs into 6 Days
At the 8hr mark William had covered a little over 70 km (about 44 miles) and is now taking a short break.
Alan at trackside tells me this second 4hr period went well for William (who is running very much to out pre-race plans), especially considering the heat at the race.
Today’s temperature at the 6-Day race in Balaton, Hungary, was a Max of 27.4 c at 16:00 local time (3pm UK time), Now at 21.oo in Hungary (8pm UK) it is 19.7c
As expected, current Race leader Johan van der Mehwe continues to run at a cracking pace and should pass 100km at any moment.
Wolfgang Schwerk is running a strong 2nd, currently on circa 82km.
However, as usual, the exact figures at 1/3rd of the way in to the first day of a 6-day race don’t really mean a great deal and we can expect to see quite a lot change and change again over the next 136hrs of this non-stop race…

William at 5hrs and 25mins into the 144hr race