Athens – Quick update from Alan

Latest from a very busy Alan…

Alan Young writes –

“From around 8am time here a gale has blown straight through the course, taking many tables , bottles, and a couple of tents.”

The base-camp in Athens = like William. still standing...

Alan assures me – “Team sichel very secure – tent well set up in relatively sheltered place.
The old trick of having a cardboard box on the table with a brick in it meant nothing blew away from our table.”

And how comes Alan has had the time to tell me this? – he writes –

“As William had established a fair lead again we decided to have an hours break out of the wind, and hope it blows through, hence the time to write this.”

It looks like William has also be getting some extra crewing support too –

“Pan Storey and Vicky Hart (from Durmfries) and hubby Paul who were running in the 24 hour have been immense in crewing William, for the period I had to sleep (early evening would usually be difficult, but so tired could not even open laptop, never mind do any work on it. I could then come out and crew him as hard as possible through the next 2 times 5 hour period of work.”

Alan ends with the all important information –

“So as I type William is at 1486km (923.5 miles), and can smell the winning line.
Has stepped up, and working even harder since passing the 900 mile (1449km) mark, and can now race for home !!!!

Was going to send some pics of this morning but he has ichy feet and is off again so I must crew – No time spell check  – byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”

Latest race figures coming shortly – but it is looking very good at present.
