6 Day Recovery
Quite a few people have asked about my recovery after my 518 miles/834kms in 6 Days in Hungary. Recovery has been a bit quicker than normal, probably because of the effect on mind and body of having run considerably further, last year, in the 1000 mile race in Athens.
I had 7 days complete rest from exercise. This included almost 3 days getting home, in a lesurely fashion, then having extra sleep and plenty of good food and a thorough massage on day 5. I always get a kind of ‘jet lagged’ feeling for a few days afterwards but that gradually fades away.
I walked on the treadmill on day 8 following the race, repeated this on day 9 and then started running, again on the treadmill on day 10. Following this I had a fairly rapid return to my usual training plan gradually building up intensity and duration.
I introduced some slightly different weight training sessions for a couple of weeks. These were designed to help replace any muscle mass lost during the race.
I noted that it took me 17 days for full mental energy to return to my training sessions.